8 févr. 2009


I have neglected this blog for a while now. There were holidays, then exams, then holidays again ! I wish to introduce an other blog I write for the University of Copenhagen : it's a more academic blog, but sometimes, I will post same text on both. The other one is explaining life in Copenhagen for prospective students : http://studyblogclemence.blogs.ku.dk/

I finally came back from Nice, where I have spend my interim week. It was just fine ! I have done much more new things I could guess it is possible to do in a simple week, so I came back as if I have left for a long time ! I have practiced a kind of winter sport, I have paint again, what I haven't done for years, so please be indulgent about my painting photo I show you ! And shopping of course ! now, french prices seems cheap compared to Copenhagen. A funny stuff happened to me during the flight back : I spent the whole flight in front of the cabin with a Stewart, who appears to be a magician too : he has done some tricks to me, really wonderful : make stuff flying, make water disappear....

Exams were fine. It really need less personal work than in France, I only had 2 courses ! Furthermore, the first exam was oral, about experiments we have done, the second one was with all documents allowed ! Nothing to know by heart ! Anyway, I don't want to be to much presumptuous cause I'm still waiting for my second grade...

Now, I just went back in my flat to tell what I am so excited about : I went to my first fashion show ! Here it is the fashion week, so I girl I just met from my new course and other fashionable international students come. We randomly go in this one, the next show beginning : Barbara i Gongini. It was really amazing : electro music, futuristic atmosphere, immaterial models ; clothes were all black , austere, only make up were a bit extravagent, not wearable, and hair reminds me of the Snorkies ! Whatever, I have this opportunity to see a creative danish designer work on a catwalk !

I have upload many pics from the fashion fair, the preparation of the défilé and the actual défilé. Sorry for those bad pictures, but it was hard to enjoy the show and get good quality image in the same time, particulary when they are walking with such an attitude ! Girls, check out my pics from the show, you should see a famous American actor in the front row! (please leave your guess about who you think to recognize as comments on my post !)

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